About us

About us

Nice to meet you!

We’re your friendly skills guide and partner in all things workforce transformation. We understand that in order for businesses to remain competitive and keep up with changing demands, you need access to skilled people.

Insights, or as we like to call it, skills intelligenceis essential for your business to plan strategically and get the best return on your investments. By leveraging real-time workforce data, we can provide you with the tools you need to understand emerging skills, how similar roles are evolving at other companies, and most importantly you’ll be able to invest in training where you can make the biggest impact.

As far as training goes, we know that time is money, and the faster that you can upskill and reskill your existing workforce, the better for your business. Our unique model of learning solutions focuses on developing competencies and skills that are verified by real professionals. 

Future-proofing your organization can be challenging. We’re here to simplify the process, bring the joy back to training, and shine a light on workforce trends.


Our mission and vision

Our mission is to empower people to make actionable workforce transformation decisions using skills intelligence. 

Here’s what that means to us:

  • We’re equipping employers with the workforce insights that enable them to unlock and optimize the skills of their existing and prospective employees
  • We’re empowering the workforce to take their career trajectories into their own hands by helping them access training and demonstrate in-demand skills
  • We’re collaborating, learning, and researching with our trusted industry partners to ensure that we’re not only creating skills-verified courses that addresses the skills gaps, but also ensuring they are accessible to traditionally underrepresented groups
  • We envision a world where innovation and productivity are fueled by skills intelligence. We envision a world where workforce transformation is exciting, accessible, and rooted in real-world insights.

Our core values

Uphold trust and accountability.

Champion a culture of collective success.

Share the joy in what we do.

Be inquisitive and dare to take the next step.